Free seminar – Launches and news from Focus Software and Autodesk


Welcome to the 2023 launch seminar!

This year we invite you to a different launch seminar: you get to choose between participating physically in Oslo, where you can meet with us and your industry colleagues, or participating digitally if you’d rather follow the event online.

This seminar is free for both options.

Regardless of whether you come to meet us, or participate from home, you will enjoy an exciting half-day seminar about what’s new in software from Focus Software and Autodesk. We offer subject tracks for: Architecture, Construction Technology, Transport, Landscape and VA.

Physical or digital, sign up now to learn everything about the software you use!


This year, the event will take place :
📆 2, 3 & 4 May – 🖥️ Online
📆 10 May -📍At Vika Atrium, Oslo


Info & registration


When are the launch seminars?

Online or Physically

This year we are holding the launches both online over several days, from May 2nd to May 4th, as well as physically on stage on May 10th in the Vika Atrium, for mingling, lunch and live lectures.


Lineup – Vika Atrium, Oslo 10 May

Simply sign up for the subject track you are interested in: we will present news, smart workflows, useful tips and tricks, and more. Registration opens at 08:30 for the lectures before lunch and 12:00 for the lectures after lunch. Lunch is at 12:00 – 13:00 for every participant.

You can see the agenda, subject to change, here.


Important: This launch seminar is free, but a no-show fee of NOK 750 will be invoiced if you do not come. The deadline for cancellation is May 3rd, you may unsubscribe via e-mail at any point before this date.